Slim down quicker, with less effort
Slim down quicker, with less effort
Available to everyone
Available to everyone
CRYOTHERAPY CONCEPTThe CRYOLEAN ™ method was perfected after 20 years of clinical experience in Holistic and Integrative Medicine.
The CRYOLEAN ™ method is founded on the scientific confirmation that the selective application of controlled cold temperatures triggers the combustion of not only carbohydrates (sugars), but also lipids (fats) to reheat the body. This expenditure of energy is part of an essential primary bodily function called THERMOGENESIS.The CRYOLEAN ™ Cryotherapy Method
Efficient & safe
The method is carried out using a tool made available to doctors so they can take care of ESTHETIC requests for treating « curves », overweight-obesity or HEALTH issues relating to cardio-vascular risk prevention ...
Doctors will naturally first look at treating overweight-obesity before comorbidities such as gastroesophageal reflux, sleep apnea or arthritis…
a MARATHON per day?
This technique has been added to today’s therapeutic arsenal made up of:
diets (reducing caloric intake) and
physical activity (increasing caloric expenditure).
CRYOLEAN ™ is more efficient because a single one hour session burns the equivalent of running a 5hour race at a pace of 8 km /h (a marathon), without building up an appetite or making physical effort.
The cold induced consumption of fat to be used as « energetic fuel » to reheat the body concerns fat stored viscerally as well as white subcutaneous fat.
So with no effort, LEAN MUSCLE MASS increases.
Treating ALL zones simultaneously for a HARMONIOUS result ?
Our unique worldwide patent earned us a
In recognition of our
A life-sustaining function
The research conducted by Doctor Loap over several years has proven that COLD CREATES HEAT! The intense cold applied to treatment zones doesn't kill fat cells (which the body needs), as is too commonly thought, it in fact TRANSFORMS THE WHITE FAT «STORAGE» CELLS INTO BROWN «HEATING» cells.
The cold triggers a natural reaction in the body which produces heat to fight rapid temperature loss WHILE BURNING EXCESS FAT.
The effect is immediate and measurable.
This low temperature thermostimulation is the scientific foundation of Cryothermogenesis, the approach which is renewing our intelligence around the mechanisms of cold on the body through a series of international patents.
That’s why you won’t find cryopolysis at the Cryo Esthetic Clinical Center, but cryotherapy through CRYOTHERMOGENESIS, DOCTOR LOAP’S method which speaks directly to your fat cells so that they accept to MELT AWAY AND TRANSFORM INTO HEAT.
For good results, by the Technique’s inventor
- Love handles, waist and hips: these parts are known to be very resistant to physical exercise (a complex zone due to hormones) as well as diets. Cryo is very efficient.
- Saddlebags: they are hormone-dependent, known to only be treatable with surgery (liposuction). The techniques developed by cryolean have shown how efficient the cold can be on these “indestructible” zones.
- Lower cheeks: the tightening effect of the cold is helpful in curtailing the sagging effect, especially as weight is lost from the cheeks.
- Double chin: excess weight under the chin eventually causes tissues to relax. By burning fat and retracting elastic fibres, cryolean reduces the pressure on these fibres.
- Heavy legs, bad circulation
- Cellulite
- Excess weight: the Cryolean programmes not only allow you to burn fat (with immediate results), but also to trigger metabolic changes which help to fight against excess weight for months after. The “cryo” helps to prevent insulin resistance which can lead to diabetes.
Back pain, the ailment of our century: thanks to our "cryo-massage" sensors, you can find relief for even the most tenacious chronic pain which has been resistant to all the classic solutions.
Finally a solution for
Buffalo neck:
au niveau du haut du dos, sous le cou, la graisse a tendance à s’accumuler et des études récentes montrent une augmentation de risque cardiovasculaire en plus de l’aspect disgracieux qui donne l’impression d’être bossu. Nos soins sont très efficaces pour les faire fondre.
Lipomasty (not gynecomastia):For men! A soft alternative to surgery.SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS
Thousands of sessions since 2014: EFFICIENCY & SAFETY assured
PEER REVIEW Publication
Journal of Obesity
Volume 2018, Article ID 5789647, 10 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/5789647Research Article
"Mechanism Underlying Tissue Cryotherapy to Combat Obesity/Overweight: Triggering Thermogenesis"
Suvaddhana Loap 1 and Richard Lathe 2
1SAS Clinic BioEsthetic, 11 Rue Ebl ́e, 75007 Paris, France
2Division of Infection and Pathway Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Little France, Edinburgh, UKCorrespondence should be addressed to Suvaddhana Loap; suvaloap@gmail.com and Richard Lathe; richardlathe@ed.ac.uk
Received 28 December 2017; Revised 26 March 2018; Accepted 4 April 2018; Published 2 May 2018
Academic Editor: Sharon Herring
Copyright © 2018 Suvaddhana Loap and Richard Lathe. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
AMWC Monte Carlo
Gynéco Pratiques
The Foundation for Innovation in Esthetic Medicine
EDUCATION - University Degree
DUAPME: University Degree in Physical Agents in Esthetic Medicine
Créteil University of Medicine
Director of Education: Dr Barbara Hersant, Science of plastic and maxillo-facial surgery, Henri Mondor Hospital
AMWC Monte Carlo: April 2019
World Congress for Anti Aging MedicineOperating Principles of CryothermogenesisTM. Application in the fight against overweight-obesity.
Anti-Age, Excess weight, Obesity
Academy Reunis: Prague June 2019
The use of specific biological assessments to optimise thermogenesis, aiming at hormonal balance, micro nutritional balance, the health of intestinal flora and immune health (allergy and food intolerance).
Insulin-resistance, excess weight
Academy Reunis: Paris 2019
The use of specific biological assessments to optimise thermogenesis, aiming at hormonal balance, micro nutritional balance, the health of intestinal flora and immune health (allergy and food intolerance).
"FACE beauty"
SBR: Paris March 2019
Facial beauty and the smile are of interest to orthodontists.
What the patients say
CLAIRE, 35 ans
October 2015
« I had the good fortune to be able to do 3 sessions of cryo last year. I was astonished to find it was totally painless and relatively quick. After the three sessions, the little belly that I was so complexed about had completely disappeared, as did the fat on my hips... The effect of the cryo continued after the sessions. It’s now been 6 months and I haven’t put the weight back on since! »
Pierre, 43 ans
March - April 2018
"My love handles seem to be here to stay. Yes, I indulge from time to time, or grab a sandwich at lunchtime. But I run, I bike as much as I can, I take the stairs rather than the lify… I tried cryo, and after 7 weekly sessions, it was all gone. They took control measurements with iDXA and 3 and 6 months later, I haven’t gained it back: now I keep in shape so it doesn't come back and just run for pleasure."
Caroline, 42 ans
June 2017
"During the lunch break, it’s sport and a salad: to no avail.
4 sessions before the holidays and I lost my curves: they really melted off me.
It’s a painless process, at most you feel a little pinching.
You can carry on with your life normally after the session. Without any recovery time.
And I have newfound beautiful skin!!!"
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